The Tenant Crisis: What’s Going On & What You Can Do
A group of concerned citizens gathered on April 24th to hear from those on the ground in the housing sector and learn how we can contribute to a healthier balance of power in tenant/landlord relationships in Indiana. Our goal is to see a mutually beneficial co-existence between landlords and tenants.
You can watch the recording of the event here: https://youtu.be/Z4bzH6DYwW0
To hear and see resident experiences at Lakeside Pointe (NOT the only complex with the issues, but one we’re close to): https://youtu.be/8MxqbxXLl_Q
For resources and information, please see below. To connect with a person to collaborate, ask questions, learn more, share information you possess, etc, please email noraneighborhood@gmail.com. We’d love to connect with you.
Event was hosted by:
Nora Neighborhood Ambassadors
St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Speaker Organizations:
Fair Housing of Central Indiana
Tenant Advocate Program - City of Indianapolis
Interested to learn more? Resources & information below! For questions or help determining your next steps on these issues, please feel free to reach out to noraneighborhood@gmail.com OR contact one of these organizations below.
Podcast on Eviction from On the Media, with a portion on Eviction in Indiana, part three of a whole Eviction Podcast series: The Scarlet E, Part III: Tenants and Landlords
If you are interested to participate in an Eviction Court Watch, please contact noraneighborhood@gmail.com for more information!
Please email noraneighborhood@gmail.com if you have a resource you think should be here.
Lakeside Pointe and related news articles
Please email noraneighborhood@gmail.com if you have a resource you think should be here.
Fady Qaddoura https://fady4indiana.com/
Need help finding your elected officials: https://prosperityindiana.org/Action-Center/
OR visit the Indiana General Assembly Find Your Legislator page: http://www.iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/